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What does the a Day-of Wedding Coordinator do?

A Day-of also is known as Wedding Management Coordination.

What is a day of (wedding management coordination) do?

I have already covered what a wedding management coordination is, in my resent blog. I explain that a Day-of (wedding management coordination) is no longer called a Day-of, because to plan a day-of wedding you would have to plan weeks a head to get the results you need.

Wedding management coordination is broken down to several services you need to make that day wondrous.

What is a wedding management coordination planning?

Wedding management coordination is when you provide services to your client the day of her wedding. In order to plan a succussful day-of, for this I need to plan it 4 weeks in advance.

This service is used when your bride already has everything done. All she needs for you to plan the day, decorate and coordinate.

What is in a day-of package?

With this service you will get a timeline done for the day-of, plus the plans for that day top to bottom. Than, this is given to all the wedding staff. This keeps everything in place and to go smoothly.

This service can vary from wedding planners to wedding planners, but the concept is still the same. Planning a wedding management coordination can take up to 40 hours of services. it is just like a full and partial package, but the difference is just I am planning just the day-of, the other packages have more details and services to them.

How much does hiring a day-of (wedding management coordination) cost?

Like what I have mention, every planner is different in charging for the day-of, but you may see some can planners starting at $800 and up to $2600.

Just need to remember that these prices can be broken down to how many hours the wedding planner puts in and the need to hire staff to help plan your wedding day.

Remember, that not only do we plan, decorate and clean after, we are on duty from the morning to the end. We make sure everything is done on time, defuse any fights (if any), cleanup, packup, organize, direct, conduct etc. We are a lot more than just a wedding planner.

What is the difference between full, patrial and wedding management coordination?

Full service package is a service from the beginning to the end. Supply about 50 hours of my time to help plan your beautiful day. This means that I will walk you through everything that needs to be done step-by-step.

Partial package is a small version of a full but this one is for brides that have at least half of their wedding planning done.

Wedding Management Coordination (famously know as "the Day-of or Month-of"). This package is for those brides that just need help for the day-of. Everything is all done and set and the venue needs to be decorated and the bride wants to make sure that everything is done the way she wants and to go smoothly. Coordinate the whole day so that she can be worried free of any issues while she is getting ready for your day.

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